SAP Security Assessment

Eliminate security risks before they become critical

SAP Security Assessment

The SAP application is vulnerable

Many IT security routines simply do not cover the SAP application layer. This is partly due to complexity but also because just getting a valid overview is perceived to be almost unattainable.

In addition, a dispersed workforce is accessing the systems from multiple types of devices increasing the number

of entry points for malicious code. Two thirds of all large organizations have been the victim of an ERP security breach within the past two years.

When you combine these facts, you have a potential business disaster just waiting to happen.

We provide a convenient solution

We address the challenge of complexity with our security assessment and provide a well-defined way forward.

The security assessment is designed to give a clear view of the security status and highlight potential risks. You will receive an end-to-end assessment report with unambiguous recommendations and action points.

This allows you to proactively plan and execute the modifications that eliminate the vulnerabilities in your SAP application layer.

You get an actionable way forward

The SAP SECURITY ASSESSMENT follows a proven methodology and is based on two decades of experience working with SAP security issues.

In step one, we clarify customer demands and acquire a system overview. This is followed by data collection, where we gather information from existing vulnerability scans, SAP security notes, data from SAP applications and databases, system data traffic as well as traffic in and out of SAP. In case no vulnerability scans are available, we offer this as an optional service.

The data is processed within our framework applying our specialized SAP SECURITY ASSESMENT toolbox to identify relevant security parameters in your SAP architecture, data exchange and data storage. Our domain know-how and the correlated data provide us with the required insights. The conclusions are consolidated in a report, which includes an executive security summary as well as our recommendations to you.

Let us help you make smart decisions

All we need is access to your SAP Solution Manager, and for the mandatory pre-requisites to be in place. Naturally we can assist in mitigating any implementation or setup gaps in your system.

Included (DKK 40.000,- (excl. VAT))
SAP Application Data Analysis
SAP Basis Data Analysis
User Security Analysis
Database & OS Layer Analysis
Optional (Ask for quote)
Vulnerability Scan
Network Fencing & Micro-segmentation
Endpoint Security Analysis
Penetrations Test